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Cannabis seeds

How to choose quality cannabis seeds? This question, as a rule, is asked by every novice grower, and experienced growers may also have a question. To answer the question “how to choose cannabis seeds”, it is necessary to structure the knowledge about the different types of cannabis seeds that we gain in this article.

Cannabis seeds. Growing

Let's start from the very beginning: with the germination of cannabis seeds. There are many ways to grow cannabis seeds, but the most common methods are soaking them between cotton pads and in gauze. But one of the most effective and easiest ways to germinate cannabis seeds is to grow them in water with the addition of hydrogen peroxide. For this method, you just need to place your cannabis seeds in a plastic glass, in which you need 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 50 ml of water.

Cannabis seeds. The effect

One of the main factors when choosing cannabis seeds is to obtain the effect of consuming this product. Most cannabis seeds come from Sativa or Indica genetics. If you want a relaxing effect, then your choice is cannabis seeds of indica genetics, and if the feeling is euphoric, uplifting and improved, then it will look like a sativa.

Cannabis seed yield

The second factor often considered when choosing cannabis seeds is yield. As a rule, cannabis sativa takes 2-3 longer to mature than indica, but the yield is also slightly larger. In any case, much will depend on the growing conditions and the caring hands of the grower. Cannabis indica seeds are said to not be too hot and are better able to withstand minor issues with temperature, humidity, and light. This is due to the requirements in harsher climatic conditions, unlike sativa.

Time, time and more time

Time can become critical for many growers, because everyone wants to get the results of their labors as early as possible. For these purposes, autoflowering cannabis seeds are available in all world seed banks. Unlike photoperiod plants, they enter the flowering phase at a certain age. While the daylight cycle is important for cameras, and as a rule, they become leaders when the daylight hours are 12/12. This happens because the sprouts react to light in the same way as it does in the natural environment at the end of summer.

Cannabis seeds. Medical strains

Medical cannabis seeds are also widely used in the world of progressive plant growing. There are many studies that prove that marijuana helps people with neuroses, psychoses, apathy, obsessive disorders, anxiety, seizures and has antidepressant properties. In addition, cannabidiol (CBD) included in marijuana has a greater effect on the body and has analgesic, sedative and anti-inflammatory effects, and also mitigates the effects of THC. In addition to all of the above, when buying cannabis seeds for medicinal purposes, you should also remember about studies showing that cannabidiol stops the development of cancer cells.

Cannabis Seeds. Feminized types

And finally, we advise a novice farmer to buy feminized cannabis seeds, as they almost 100% guarantee a high yield, since they eliminate the possibility of obtaining male plants or hermaphrodites, which can significantly reduce the amount of the final product.

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